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act() - Method in class ActiverseEngine.Actor
Performs the actor's action.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ActiverseEngine.World
Updates the world and repaints it
Activerse - Class in ActiverseEngine
Provides utility methods to start and stop the Activerse application.
Activerse() - Constructor for class ActiverseEngine.Activerse
ActiverseEngine - package ActiverseEngine
ActiverseImage - Class in ActiverseEngine
Represents an image loader for loading images from files.
ActiverseImage(String) - Constructor for class ActiverseEngine.ActiverseImage
Constructs a new ActiverseImage object with the image loaded from the specified file.
ActiverseMouseInfo - Class in ActiverseEngine
Provides utility methods to retrieve information about the mouse pointer location and detect mouse clicks.
ActiverseSound - Class in ActiverseEngine
Represents a sound player for playing audio files.
ActiverseSound(String) - Constructor for class ActiverseEngine.ActiverseSound
Constructs a new ActiverseSound object with the specified audio file.
Actor - Class in ActiverseEngine
The base class for all actors in the world.
Actor() - Constructor for class ActiverseEngine.Actor
addObject(Actor, int, int) - Method in class ActiverseEngine.World
Adds an actor to the world at the specified location
addSound(ActiverseSound) - Method in class ActiverseEngine.World
Adds a sound to the world


CollisionManager - Class in ActiverseEngine
Manages collision detection between actors in the world.
CollisionManager() - Constructor for class ActiverseEngine.CollisionManager
createInstance(Component) - Static method in class ActiverseEngine.ActiverseMouseInfo
Creates a new instance of the ActiverseMouseInfo class with the specified component.


delayNext(int) - Method in class ActiverseEngine.Actor
Delays the execution of the next action by the specified milliseconds.
direction - Variable in class ActiverseEngine.Actor


GameLoop - Class in ActiverseEngine
Represents the main game loop for updating and rendering the game.
GameLoop(World) - Constructor for class ActiverseEngine.GameLoop
Constructor to initialize the game loop with the given world.
getActors() - Method in class ActiverseEngine.World
Returns the list of actors in the world
getBoundingBox() - Method in class ActiverseEngine.Actor
Gets the bounding box of the actor.
getFilename() - Method in class ActiverseEngine.ActiverseSound
Gets the filename of the audio file.
getFPS() - Static method in class ActiverseEngine.World
getHeight() - Method in class ActiverseEngine.Actor
Gets the height of the actor.
getImage() - Method in class ActiverseEngine.ActiverseImage
Gets the loaded image.
getImage() - Method in class ActiverseEngine.Actor
Gets the image of the actor.
getMemoryUsagePerSecond() - Method in class ActiverseEngine.MemoryTracker
Returns the memory usage per second in a formatted string.
getMouseLocation() - Static method in class ActiverseEngine.ActiverseMouseInfo
Retrieves the current location of the mouse pointer on the screen.
getOneIntersectingObject() - Method in class ActiverseEngine.Actor
Finds the intesrsectiuon of the actor with another actor then returns it
getPath() - Method in class ActiverseEngine.ActiverseImage
Gets the path to the image file.
getPreferredSize() - Method in class ActiverseEngine.World
Returns the list of loaded images in the world
getTargetFps() - Method in class ActiverseEngine.GameLoop
getTargetFPS() - Method in class ActiverseEngine.MemoryTracker
Returns FPS target
getVelocityX() - Method in class ActiverseEngine.Actor
Gets the horizontal velocity of the actor.
getVelocityY() - Method in class ActiverseEngine.Actor
Gets the vertical velocity of the actor.
getWidth() - Method in class ActiverseEngine.Actor
getWorld() - Method in class ActiverseEngine.Actor
Gets the world that the actor belongs to.
getX() - Method in class ActiverseEngine.Actor
Gets the x-coordinate of the actor's location.
getY() - Method in class ActiverseEngine.Actor
Gets the y-coordinate of the actor's location.


intersects(Actor) - Method in class ActiverseEngine.Actor
Checks if this actor intersects with another actor.
intersects(Actor, Actor) - Static method in class ActiverseEngine.CollisionManager
Checks if two actors intersect.
isDynamicLighting() - Method in class ActiverseEngine.GameLoop
isKeyDown(int) - Static method in class ActiverseEngine.KeyboardInfo
Checks if a specific key is currently pressed.
isLeftClick() - Static method in class ActiverseEngine.ActiverseMouseInfo
Checks if the left mouse button is clicked.
isPlaying() - Method in class ActiverseEngine.ActiverseSound
Checks if the audio file is currently playing.
isRightClick() - Static method in class ActiverseEngine.ActiverseMouseInfo
Checks if the right mouse button is clicked.


KeyboardInfo - Class in ActiverseEngine
Provides utility methods to retrieve information about keyboard input.
KeyboardInfo() - Constructor for class ActiverseEngine.KeyboardInfo
keyIsDown(char) - Method in class ActiverseEngine.Actor
Checks if a specific key is currently pressed.
keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class ActiverseEngine.KeyboardInfo
Called when a key is pressed.
keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class ActiverseEngine.World
Handles key presses
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class ActiverseEngine.KeyboardInfo
Called when a key is released.
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class ActiverseEngine.World
Handles key releases
keys - Static variable in class ActiverseEngine.KeyboardInfo
keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class ActiverseEngine.KeyboardInfo
Called when a key is typed.
keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class ActiverseEngine.World
Handles key typing


MemoryTracker - Class in ActiverseEngine
MemoryTracker class is used to track memory usage of the game along with other statistics
MemoryTracker() - Constructor for class ActiverseEngine.MemoryTracker
Constructor for MemoryTracker class
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class ActiverseEngine.ActiverseMouseInfo
Not in use method (built on in the future)
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class ActiverseEngine.ActiverseMouseInfo
To be built in the future
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class ActiverseEngine.ActiverseMouseInfo
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class ActiverseEngine.ActiverseMouseInfo
Detects if a mouse button is pressed.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class ActiverseEngine.ActiverseMouseInfo
Detects if a mouse button is released.
move(int) - Method in class ActiverseEngine.Actor
Moves the actor in its current direction by the specified distance.


paint(Graphics) - Method in class ActiverseEngine.Actor
Draws the actor on the given graphics context.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class ActiverseEngine.World
Paints the world by drawing the background image, actors, and debug info Applies dynamic lighting if enabled
play() - Method in class ActiverseEngine.ActiverseSound
Plays the loaded audio file.


removeObject(Actor) - Method in class ActiverseEngine.World
Removes an actor from the world
run() - Method in class ActiverseEngine.GameLoop
The main game loop that updates and renders the game.


setBackgroundImage(String) - Method in class ActiverseEngine.World
Sets background image of world subclasses
setFPS(int) - Static method in class ActiverseEngine.World
setHeight(int) - Method in class ActiverseEngine.Actor
Sets the height of the actor.
setImage(ActiverseImage) - Method in class ActiverseEngine.Actor
Sets the image of the actor.
setLocation(int, int) - Method in class ActiverseEngine.Actor
Sets the location of the actor.
setVelocityX(double) - Method in class ActiverseEngine.Actor
Sets the horizontal velocity of the actor.
setVelocityY(double) - Method in class ActiverseEngine.Actor
Sets the vertical velocity of the actor.
setWorld(World) - Static method in class ActiverseEngine.Activerse
Sets the world to the inputted world.
setWorld(World) - Method in class ActiverseEngine.Actor
Sets the world that the actor belongs to.
setX(int) - Method in class ActiverseEngine.Actor
Sets the x-coordinate of the actor's location.
setY(int) - Method in class ActiverseEngine.Actor
Sets the y-coordinate of the actor's location.
showText(int, int, String) - Method in class ActiverseEngine.World
Shows text on the world at the specified location
start() - Method in class ActiverseEngine.World
Starts the world timer
start(World) - Static method in class ActiverseEngine.Activerse
Starts the Activerse application with the specified world.
stop() - Method in class ActiverseEngine.ActiverseSound
Stops the currently playing audio file.
stop() - Method in class ActiverseEngine.GameLoop
Stops the game loop by setting the running flag to false.
stop() - Method in class ActiverseEngine.World
Stops the world timer
stop(World) - Static method in class ActiverseEngine.Activerse
Stops the Activerse application by stopping the specified world.


turn(double) - Method in class ActiverseEngine.Actor
Turns the actor by the specified angle.


update() - Method in class ActiverseEngine.MemoryTracker
Updates the memory usage statistics and writes them to a file if logging is enabled.
update() - Method in class ActiverseEngine.World
Updates the world by calling the act method of each actor at a tick interval Updates memory tracker
useAStar(Actor, int) - Method in class ActiverseEngine.Actor
Gets the direction of the actor.


World - Class in ActiverseEngine
Represents the world where actors interact.
World(int, int, int) - Constructor for class ActiverseEngine.World
Constructor for the World class.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Serialized Form